Sevenoaks Climate Fair, Saturday 4th May

This event will take place on Saturday 4th May from 10:30am to 4:30pm at The Vine Gardens, Sevenoaks.


Eco Kent Event, Saturday 22nd June

This event will take place on Saturday 22nd June, 2:30-5pm (arrive from 2pm for refreshments). It will be at the Bat and Ball Community Centre, Crampton’s Rd, Sevenoaks TN14 5DN.

There will be a keynote talk on rewilding from Caroline Halfpenny from All Growth Matters. You can read more about Caroline at her website here. We are delighted to have support from Sevenoaks Town Council and the Kent Community Fund for this event.

“Greening Sevenoaks” Survey; Mass Cycle

 If you’re based in Sevenoaks you can help by filling in the “Greening Sevenoaks” survey here, which will be used to track progress in making Sevenoaks greener:

There will be a mass cycle event on the evening of Friday 14th June. This is to demand a dedicated cycle path from Tonbridge to Tunbridge Wells. A dedicated cycle route would relieve congestion and enable children to safely cycle to school. People are welcome to join the cycle, help as a volunteer, or donate to support event costs. Learn more:

Kent Community

We are building a network of people who can share values, ideas, and events, and at times join together to take positive action. Because the climate degradation we are facing is so immense, and can feel overwhelming, it is important to have others we can share with.

We would really appreciate it if you could help us to build this community
by writing in with any eco-tips, news, or events that you have.

We are also seeking people who can volunteer with us. We are hoping to build resources region by region and are looking for people who can keep an eye out for relevant projects and events, and send that information in to us.

See the “contact” tab for how to get in touch.

Kent Community Partners


Sandy Elsworth is a registered STEM Ambassador, and has been working with Kent schools for a number of years. He offers his time to come into schools to assist teachers in introducing and inspiring students in the natural world.
Sandy is a Geologist and Hydrogeologist with years of experience in gold mining and prospecting in South Africa and Zimbabwe, and supporting water projects across Africa. He has been working in the south east of England and in African countries as a hydrogeologist in water resource planning over the past 20 years. He continues to work with South East Water and other companies in long term water resource management.
He brings into the classroom rock samples from his travels around the world to be felt, weighed and experienced by the students. His infectious enthusiasm brings life to the magic of earth processes and the deep time history of the earth – and the universe, and ourselves.
With his African stories and the “Scroll of the Cosmos” which unwinds the 13.7 billion year history of our cosmos, he entertains and challenges school assemblies with their place in the unfolding story. He has a unique collection of hominim fossils from Southern Africa to excite students in the human story, to make it Our Human Story.
This links with the current climate challenges facing our planet and our species. Understanding the past, and our evolutionary story, is important to planning our future.



Nicola Peel

Nicola Peel

Nicola Peel worked for over 20 years in the Ecuadorian Amazon. She has made documentaries about her work as a biodiversity expert. She now also gives talks to spread awareness and inspire action. Here is a link to her keynote address at the event ‘Human Flourishing on a Flourishing Earth’ conference held at the Brighthelm Centre, 8th June 2019:

Utter Rubbish is a waste management organisation, founded by Elliott Lancaster, who is a Trustee with Flourishing.Global’s parent organisation Spirit of Peace.

Utter Rubbish

Utter Rubbish

Elliott Lancaster

Centre for Alternative Technologies, Wales

Centre for Alternative Technologies, Wales

The Centre for Alternative Technologies offers practical solutions and hands-on learning to help create a zero carbon world.

We would be delighted to hear from you if:
- you would like to inform us of projects and events our readers might be interested in
- you have any ideas to promote Earth and human flourishing which you would like to share
- you are interested in volunteering with us
- you have a general enquiry about our work